ein Vergehen von Zeit, wie fließende Jahresringe, wie Fließbänder, die ins Unendliche ziehen.
Eine erstklassige Video-Performance von Stefan Kraus..."

Theaterhaus Jena brought two pieces by british writer Martin Crimp to a German stage for the first time. I had the pleasure to work with the talented and loving team around director Moritz Schönecker to attribute the video design to this amazing contemporary play. While in the first part, projection mapping the stage is used to illustrate inner conflict between the protagonists, abstract, slow moving structures take over the scene completely in the second part from time to time. This blurs the boundaries between actress and stage and signifies the confusion in which the monologue takes place. This kind of slow, structural motion has an almost hypnotic effect on the audience as it creates the illusion that the stage drifts somewhere. This feeling adds to the intellectual challenge the text poses and takes the whole scene out of reality. Assistenz: David Leroy